Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

What to eat in Yogyakarta Part 1

Good question,,,and not easy to answer. The problem is, the food in Yogya is very specific in term of taste, form, performance, ingredients and so on. So let's say, if your tummy is not adventurous enough, Jogja's specialty is not for you, does not mean you have to eat fast food though. In Yogyakarta, you can enjoy authentic French, Indian, Japanese, and Korean food, in affordable price.
I guess this post is going to be long ,,,let me serve the hungry and brave tummy first.

Jogja speciality are dominated with sweets. I do not mean by desert, but surprisingly, from appetizer to desert, they all have to be sweet, i guess that is one reason why the Javanese smiles are just too sweet sometimes.
I was born in Sulawesi, where foods are made with strong spices and tasty broth, lots of meats. when it comes to sweet, people in Makassar call desert as " Kanre Jawa" means 'Javanese food". Well they have reason. In hot summer days, i suggest tourist to eat what i call as " Indonesian Salad" that is Gado-gado. In Jogja, they have different versions of  this  mix vegetable topped with coconut sauce dressing. Sounds thick? Sure, but it might be the lightest food on my list. :D
In Yogya, you may want to try Pecel, or Nasi Pecel if you prefer to have it with Nasi (=rice). Pecel is also mix cooked veggies with peanut sauce. Please, dont think of peanut sauce you normally found in a bottle. The advantage of taking Pecel or Gado-gado instead of Lotek or Karedok (West Java) is that the vegetable are cooked to make sure you want take any bacteria from our beloved tropical ground.

You can see on the top, the mix veggies ready to be made as pecel, Photo from The Huffington Post
If you are not vegetarian, you can simplu add some other "snacks" to go with your Pecel, chicken satay, fried chicken, eggs, tofu, rolled egg, marinated tofu and so on. Sounds fantastic? Yes, it is. In Yogyakarta, Pecel is preferably to be served in the morning as breakfast. Lots of vitamins and protein for your morning, and a lots of walk in Yogyakarta.

Other than peanut sauce, as one of the most popular dressing to so many menus, marinated food is one of Yogya speciality. For people who like fresh food, the idea of marinated in sugar and lots of palm oil for hours may sound too scary. However, many of my European friends love Gudeg, oh well, they are French. :D

Gudeg Jogja, photo from Ourawsomeplanet.com
If this food look abstract for you, then it means you have to quick put it in your mouth, and i promise you the taste is not less abstract then how it looks. Somehow, after years trying to understand the meaning of this popular breakfast,lunch, dinner, late dinner and too early breakfast, i think GUdeg is delicious, when you only eat them sometimes.

Next on my list of what to eat in Yogyakarta is Soto. Now, if you ask me, which soto, now i get confused. Soto is traditional soup version of people in Indonesia. Means that, people in Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, Java and other part, making soto, with different recipes. Now it depends on your taste,  you like your soup thick, clear, spicy or light?
Soto Kudus, photo from eatingasia.typad.com
If you like clear kind of soup, try Soto Kudus, Soto Sulung, or Soto Kadipuro. Clear but tasty and rich in spices, Soto is a good meal for lunch or dinner. If you like it thick, try Soto Betawi that is thicken with coconut milk. Mostly soto in Yogya are nice, but my favorite is the one in Pasar Beringharjo. Soto sapi (beef), or soto ayam (chicken) are served in clear soup with veggies such as soya sprout and shredded cabbage. They way the cook the soto, traditionally, make the soto taste better.

Later on my blog i will share you how traditional cooking method is still used for the best flavor of traditional food. I will continue this topic about What to eat in Yogyakarta very soon, bye-bye for now..


Minggu, 03 November 2013

A very thin line between creative and critical of the Jogjanese

A cute and entertaining mural/ paint in just next to Gramedia (Jalan Jendral Sudirman)
This blog will always talk about the creativeness of Jogjanese, they way i call Jogja people, as they are not always Javanese. My adoration to the Javanese is as much as i love The Jogjanese. They can be very aware of their culture heritage, very well-knowledge about their local culture, and surprisingly at the same time are dressed in a very modern way (modern case).

City of Jogja is like an open canvas, moreover, it can be turn into a live canvas  as you may see live performance as well in each corner of the road. You may see murals, but i prefer to call them paints, as they look much more artistic that i am sure they are not made by scratcher but a true artist, with thoughts.
This paint on the electricity/ telephone box, is a signature of the passion of urban youth of JOgja. I have been living in Jogja for more than 15 years, and i picked up that people in this city really has good sense of humor.

Riding in the city from home to work, can be so tiring and boring. However, i always manage to have a camera in my pocket (a pocket-camera), that always been useful to capture "the unusual" entertainment of Jogja's street. That day i had a great position in my bike to take picture of this cute box. The next day, students were dancing for coins  in front of me, just on the zebra cross area. These guys make  seriously entertaining moves, too bad i couldt take any picture as the traffic light were just to fast asking me to go ahead.

I promise you more murals and paints, also dancers, and road musicians of Jogja in this blog. Hope the red light will give me enough time to capture some more of them. Thanks for reading!


Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013


There is something about Jogja, or Yogya, or Yogyakarta, or YK. It offers you so many things, as it gives you flexibility to call its name, in whatever way you like. . Yes, i call this city Jogja, because this is the way, i can put a little way of Javanese accent, a language i have been struggling to deal with. I am in love with this city, it keeps calling me to come back. I have been living in Jogja. After 15 years, i am still in love with this city. It is magnetic, passionate, warm and cheerful. I miss so many things in my life, maybe, i leaved so many things behind, maybe again, but to risk my life living next to one of the most active volcano, they said, i might be crazy (like thousand other people), but living just a moment next to this magnificent view each morning, i know it worths it. This blog, is about JOgja, anything i can share you about. If, you feel like missing Jogja so much,  hope i maybe useful, even just a little bit.
